Thursday, October 20, 2011

Summary of my University Study:Effects of “High Energy” Pre-workout Supplements on Anaerobic Strength and Performance.

The purpose of this experiment is to see if the pre workout supplement, Jack3d, is effective enough to show results on an anaerobic workout. The anaerobic test that was administrated is the Wingate Bike Test.
The supplement being tested is Jack3d, it consists of a proprietary blend of Caffeine, Arginine, Beta-alanine, and Creatine Monohydrate. With these supplements mixed together into one blend, there will be a positive effect on Wingate Test.
Primary Ergogenic Ingredients:
Arginine has been shown to improve anaerobic work capacity, maintenance of lean muscle mass, improve functional strength, and increase in muscle strength accompanied by resistance training. Benefits are consistent with Arginine’s well documented vasodilatory properties and effect on growth hormone secretion (Paddon-Jones).
Anaerobic studies such as one rep max for bench press and Wingate improved with supplements Creatine monohydrate mixed with beta-alanine. The 30 collegiate football players saw that Creatine plus beta-alanine supplementation appeared to have the greatest effect on lean tissue accruement and body fat composition compared to placebo and just Creatine monohydrate. Other studies of just Creatine monohydrate, show immediate increase of type I and type II muscle fibers (Woolf).
Caffeine studies have shown in anaerobic exercise more total weight was able to be lifted on the bench press and a greater peak power was obtained during the Wingate test (Woolf). Also reaction time was improved during Makoto Reaction Test (Hoffman).
Protocol Design/ Methods:
Wingate Test (monarch)- Warm up with no resistance for 5 minutes. The Wingate test requires the subjects to pedal a mechanical braked bicycle ergometer for 30 seconds at an all out pace with 0.075 of body weight as resistance.
Electronically connected to computer to record results. A counter is used to record revolutions of the flywheel in 5-second intervals.

2 study days with a week in between each test of placebo and supplement. Tests at 8 am each test to keep results consistent.
Jack3d supplement
Placebo (crystal light powder mixed with water)
Subjects cannot eat an hour before participating in the test and cannot consume caffeine within 24 hours before testing. Not allowed to exercise 24 hours before test.
RHR (Resting Heart Rate) is recorded. Placebo or Supplement are ingested. 20 minutes later tests begin.
Before and after each test the subject must complete short questionnaire for researching purposes and so they may be suited safe to continue experiment.
Subjects: Healthy & Active trained subjects.

Exercise Protocol
Average age 23.2 ± 9 years
 Subjects each participated in a health questionnaire and signed an informed consent form.
Subjects were all volunteers recruited from college level exercise and sport science courses.
Effect of Jack3d Supplement on Peak Power
Wingate results for peak power are 979.79 Watts with the supplement and 880.64 Watts without the supplement. All results are based on averages of subjects
Effect of Jack3d supplement on relative peak power. Relative Peak Power (Watts/Kilogram)-  Placebo 11.37 Supplement 12.15
Average Power (Watts): Placebo (606.86) and Supplement (613.86)
Does Jack3d negatively affect HR?
Actions on the A1 adenosine receptor found on certain nerve cells in the heart binds caffeine to this receptor causing the second messenger cyclic AMP to increase in concentration in the cell which activates certain protein kinases that increase metabolic activity and thus heart rate (Howell).
Heart Rate before exercise (average): Placebo (74.2) and Supplement (82.6)

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